In Young Goodman Brown Hawthorne shows events and performances by the hands of the Puritans in The Salem Witches Trials.Those actions show the cruel attitudes of Puritans who accused people based on revenge and jealousy but not on the work of ill magic.Regionalism is seen by the fact that the whole story develops around a community of Quackers who were so resolute about morality and good manners.What Hawthorne uses existed and it is evidenced through this work with fictional characters that seem too real to be part of an excellent piece of literature of the time.Hawthorne´s ancestors had been settlers of the area of Massachussets, and the author used this to create this masterpiece.One of his relatives had served as a jusge in the Salem trials.Realism is defined as the faithful representation of reality.It is exactly what Hawthorne intends to do in his work.Regionalism , on the other hand , is literature created with the elements that areparticular to a certain area. In this work , Hawthorne uses the puritans that had settled on the lands today known as Massachussets, and also the local setting, the forest, so typical in the region which was recently being settled
"The masque of the red death" By: Edgar Allan Poe. To begin with, realism is applied in the story in the terms of space and time, since the units are the same we normally use. The setting of the apartments described in the story, creates the illusion of a regular apartment:
"Now in no one of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and from or depended from the roof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle within the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire, that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room."
The social environment describes a daily regular interaction among individuals. The objects described in the story are as well of common and real.
Typically newspapers want their articles to be shorter because they want to appeal to their audience, who wants only the facts and information quickly.
The theme of revenge starts off very early in the play when Hamlet speaks with the ghost of his dead father and when the ghost tells Hamlet how Claudius murdered him which Hamlet was extremely angry and overtaken with feelings of responsibility to right the wrong that he been done to murder Claudius
In simple words, everyone in this world first needs to be protective to do something valuable. They get to have the confidence to use the knowledge they have or gained from the educations.
This feeling of protection is received from house. It gives a sense of confidence to have somewhere, where an individual can be free and do whatever he or she wants to do.