In the View tab, you will find Zoom Option. Set the Zoom level to 100%.
You need to set the Zoom level to 100%, And you can do this, by setting the zoom level to 100%, from the scroll bar. Or you can move to view tab in the main menu, and then in the Ribbon, you need to select the zoom % and set it to 100 percent. You will then be able to see the entire page. And if you want, you can increase the Zoom level to even further, for getting an even more clearer picture.
The brief description of the local author asbestos is Hope and that's what it would too with a heart and another heart which equals 100 which equals yes
Arithmetic Exception is the correct answer to the following blank.
Because the BigDecimal class is the class of the Java Programming Language that deal with the double data type numbers for the arithmetic expressions and also for the format conversions and it is the math type class of the Java Programming language which is used in arithmetic operations. So, that's why the following answer is not wrong.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int * reverse(int a[],int n)//function to reverse the array.
int i;
int temp=a[i];
return a;//return pointer to the array.
int main() {
int array[50],* arr,N;//declaring three variables.
cin>>N;//taking input of size..
if(N>50||N<0)//if size greater than 50 or less than 0 then terminating the program..
return 0;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
cin>>array[i];//prompting array elements..
arr=reverse(array,N);//function call.
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
cout<<arr[i]<<endl;//printing reversed array..
return 0;
4 5 6 7 8
I have created a function reverse which reverses the array and returns pointer to an array.I have also considered edge cases where the function terminates if the value of the N(size) is greater than 50 or less than 0.
Advantages of technology in agriculture include expediting crop production rate and crop quantity, which in turn reduces costs of production for farmers and food costs for consumers, and even makes crops more nutritious and livestock bigger and meatier.
The excessive use of chemicals by the help of machines reduces the fertility of the land.Lack of practical knowledge the farmers cant handle the machines properly.While the cost of maintenance is very high.Overuse of machines may lead to environmental damage.It is efficient but has many side effects and drawbacks.