The first one. it is asking which sentence is using the verb correctly
Answer 1)
Two words which can disguise the seriousness of plagiarism are
Plagiarism can be described as the copying or borrowing of other people's work and using them without an reference. Plagiarism is considered to be a serious crime and a person is punished heavily for such actions. Plagiarism is considered to be unethical as it is stealing another person's knowledge or intelligence.
Answer No 2)
Some of the ways in which a plagiarism can arise are:
- stealing and passing off (the ideas or words of another) as your own.
- Using words from another article and not giving a reference
- using (another's production) without crediting the source
- committing literary theft
- presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Answer 3)
While planning a research project, we can prevent plagiarism by choosing topics on which little advancements are made so that there are less chances of plagiarism. We can read articles related to our research but frame the understandings from the articles in our own words rather than copying the article. we should try and choose such topics on research on which we have basic info so that we do not feel the need of copying other people's work.
Before a cell divides, its nucleus divides. Each chromosome is copied, and each nucleus receives the same genetic material: genes, made of DNA.
As each cell divides into two, the resulting "daughter" cells are therefore exact copies of one another.
Both male and female sex cells (sperms and eggs in animals, pollen and ovules in plants) are produced by a special cell division process which halves the number of chromosomes in each resulting cell. The chromosome separation process ensures that each sex cell has a unique combination of genes in its nucleus.
Fertilisation is also a random process and so when the nuclei fuse the resulting fertilised egg (zygote) has an individual genetic makeup.
In contrast to asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction introduces variation into offspring. This is an essential feature in order for evolution to take place.
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