the Industrial revolution was the boom of factories to produce products such as clothes. The factories main use was cotton. When the demand for cotton increased the more cotton was needed to be produced in turn making agriculture rise slightly. Everyone benefited except the slaves. Another effect was the poor working conditions in the factory that led to a working class revolution
They are happy because the huns were good people so they were not worried about being force to doing cetrain things
In this order:
B, A, D, C, E
I'm unsure about the Preparedness Movement as I only know that it picked up in April.
Implied Power
Hi there,
NASA is an implied power since the Founding Fathers wouldn't have anticipated the creation of such agency. Even if they did predict this agency would exist, its powers would not be expressly stated so there could be different interpretations of how much power this agency can have.
Hope this give perspective. :^)