Heliocentric, Sun
Ptolemy believed in the Geocentric theory, the theory that everything in the universe revolved around the Earth (the root Geo is indicative of Earth). Copernicus believed in the theory of Heliocentrism, the theory that everything revolved around the Sun (the root Helio is indicative of Sun).
*neither are accurate based on modern scientific knowledge, however Copernicus's was closest to being factual*
The story is at it's greatest already.Amazing. Moral:
The moral..i believe would be that everyone has a problem..about something. some people will help you..other's wont. Welp..we cant do much to make anyone help or unhelp us. Coping and doing what you love and think best is the best we can do..really.
His yacht was going to Rio.
Simple. First you would make an outline coming up with the reasons that support your subject. Then next you would fill them in a straight line down. So to start your intro write a hook to grab your readers attention. Then after write your supporting reasons after. Thats the intro. After your intro to write your first paragraph write your claim and counterclaim. Like if i was going to say dogs are better then cats i would write"Although dogs are popular pets so are cats but are preferred as they cost less due to survey done by geoplanet or some other company name." The write a another sentence like the first followed by a second just like i did above a topic as well as supporting factor. Then for your second paragraph use your second reason as well as a supporting detail following the same format as your first and then third if your teacher requires it. Then for a conclusion write something like In conclusion "dogs are better since they cost less, love to play, and are good for protection against burglars" to sum up your three reasons.
To avoid plagiarism we should not Copy from other people
Turning in another person's work as your own, duplicating words or thoughts from another person without giving credit may prompt appropriated. On the off chance that there are five successive words indistinguishable from another person's composition, at that point you are blameworthy of literary theft.
The significant method to evade literary theft is with a summarization. A reword is commonly a similar length as the first content yet written in your own words, similar to a rundown.
So a summarization of a page would be about a page; an interpretation of a section would be generally a similar length as the first passage. Regardless of whether it was not deliberate, it is still copyright infringement and not worthy.