The Aztec built bridges and causways to get to certain areas without getting wet.
The North’s position was viewed by the South as an attempt to weaken their political and economic power as well as their general way of life.
This shows the South saw slavery as an economic and political power. They even normalized it as a way of life.
Both nations did not want to fight directly because of the threat of a nuclear Holocaust, They were the most powerful nations that spread influence and dominance to surrounding countries and fighting them directly would have started another World war.
The correct answer is - B. Economies around the world have become more interconnected because of globalization.
In the modern era, the globalization took a massive swing worldwide, and most of the countries became much more connected with each other through the means of economy. The main players of the globalization process are the big corporations which set affiliations throughout the world, and managed to gain many new markets for their ever growing production of goods. Apart from the likes of North Korea, Iran, Turkmenistan, and countries similar to them, most of the world is already or is heading towards the globalization trend. It is a process that has its supporters and critics, depending on the point of view, and to a certain extent both sides have good arguments for their claims.
The correct answer is statement #1.
Before Nazi Germany invaded Poland, Europeans followed a policy of appeasement. Appeasement is a policy that involves being passive towards the actions of another country. This was exemplified by the Munich Agreement in September of 1938. This agreement allowed Germany to take over parts of Czechoslovakia. The goal was to please Hitler so that he would not invade other countries. However, this appeasement policy had the opposite effect.