well the first bit is were the 5 dragons are stuck in the big cave, next they get freed and thats all i remember sry i read it a long time ago
can you post the picture of the lesson so that I can read it and tell you the timeline?
A relative pronoun usually introduces an adjective clause
C Sight
In these lines from ¨Grandma Ling¨ the narrator describes herself (I guess it´s a she), using obviously the sight sense. Most probably the narrator stands in front of a mirror or a window that reflects the narrator´s image.
The attire of Bertilak, the mysterious Green Knight who challenges the knights of the Round Table, is described in the medieval text in detail in lines 161-172, where we can read that "Bothe the bosses on his belt and other bright gems / That were richly ranged on his raiment noble". The word noble indicates indeed his social status; it grants him his high position in the court. Additionally, the fact that precious stones and metals are part of his attire also reflects the lavishness of the royalty and the court.