After a thorough research, there exists the same question with the paragraph.
<span>Both petroleum and coal are made up of complex carbon-based molecules, and both originated with living creatures of some kind. Both are vital sources of energy for the modern world and both were formed by geologic processes over millions of years. However, petroleum was mainly formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling microorganisms. Coal, on the other hand, originated from decayed vegetation in ancient swamps and bogs. In any case, it took millions of years for both coal and oil to be produced. This is the case because it took that much time for overlying sediments to produce the unimaginable heat and pressure that would one day allow us to harvest these energy resources.
The paragraph uses 'Compare and Contrast' organization. It presented us the differences and similarities between coal and petroleum.
I don't know I didn't see the poem
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Five bucks and i’ll write the whole thing
Back then earlier in time if you were a noble you must possess high or excellent qualities. In this novel it will show many time where Ethan Frome is being or acting as a noble person this is very evident throughout his relationship with Zeena, Mattie, and other characters. Ethan stopped doing what he loved to help his family and has always been there for his family especially Zeena; however, when Ethan and Zeena married she became sick in a year's time a which put a negative impact on their relationship and their life. Zeena became asexual and started being a very boring person. Denied a normal life, Ethan has show many times that he is noble by stopping what he does to go help his family. “Somebody had to stay and care for the folks." There wasnt ever anyone to help his family well except anybody but Ethan. First his father-then his mother-then his wife” . Ethan had a dream to settle in a somewhere as an enginner.