Kubic's article consists of three parts. In the first part, he provides the complete account of the witch trials which occurred in 1692. The author depicts how convicted people were actually not guilty of the accusations. In the second part, he focuses on how 100 years later the sweeping execution of the enemies of the revolution in France, well known as "Reign of Terror" followed the similar patterns. In the last part named "Public Scares in the USA", Kubic somehow summarizes the culmination of these historic demagoguery adding the examples of resettlement of Japanese Americans, First and the Second Red Scares in 20th century America and to sump up he deals with the prevalence of prejudice that remained on the agenda even after two and half century later.
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Dear Paisley,
I hope all is doing well with you. I have some good news for you. I am coming to see you soon! It has been so long! I can't wait for some of that Texas sun!
Recently I found out that you are getting sick. I hope you are doing okay. You are my favorite cousin! Any way, I am doing great in school. I am getting all A's and passing every class. I am finishing school at the end of March!
See you soon!
Love, Emma
Ion think anybody else gon answer this, give me a few minutes and I can get you the correct answer.
Answer: The best team, but the worst player.