(A had no bill of rights.
The Anti-Federalist main reason for opposition of the Constitution was it had no bill of right's or protection of individual rights like the Original Articles of Confederation Had, the Bill of Right's was eventually added to the Constitution in the form of the First 10 Amendments in 1791.
Due to the fact a massive oil well had been discovered there, which lead to Spindletop and other oil companies coming to drill for the valuable oil.
Oil at the time was quite valuable due to it's many purposes, hence, once oil was discovered, many prospectors and companies came to get rich off the oil. Those who were looking for work could also get jobs on the rigs positioned there.
Two party systems are most common in the English-speaking countries of the world and have been for some time, although many people think that it is detrimental to the political environment.
high wages, better employment etc. (more info below)
Economic migrants are drawn towards international migration because of the prospect of higher wages, better employment opportunities and, often, a desire to escape the domestic social and political situation of their home country.
hope I helped!