Liberalism can be summed up as the postulate of the free use by each individual or member of a society of his property (the fact that some have only one property: their workforce while others own the means of production is not denied, only omitted). In this sense, all men are equal, a fact enshrined in the fundamental principle of the bourgeois constitution: all are equal before the law, the concrete basis of formal equality between the members of a society. In an extension of this, a second idea proposes the commonwealth, according to which property and freedom-based social organization serves the good of all. (Incidentally, if there is no antagonism between social classes, action can be driven by reason, hence rationalism.) This is the crux of the ideological proposition, which seeks the consented domination of workers through the operation of identifying the interest of the ruling class (maintaining the prevailing social order) with the interest of society as a whole - the nation.
As a "Continent ravaged by a series of revolutionary movements".
After the events of the Second World War, the European countries which held colonies in the African Continent were no longer able to assign economic resources for their adequate maintenance, as they were heavily indebted due to the war. This lack of resources and subsequent mismanagement lead to a series of revolts within the African Colonies, which at the time were French Algeria, Portugues Angola, the Belgian Congo, and British Kenya.
Isolationism refers to America's longstanding reluctance to become involved in European alliances and wars. Isolationists held the view that America's perspective on the world was different from that of European societies and that America could advance the cause of freedom and democracy by means other than war.
American isolationism did not mean disengagement from the world stage. Isolationists were not averse to the idea that the United States should be a world player and even further its territorial, ideological and economic interests, particularly in the Western Hemisphere.
The United States can be described as both indirectly democratic and "federal" since power remains at both the state and federal levels of government.
Aristocrats wanted to retain their power and wealth by taxing the people and the philosophers wanted to establish democracies that would give more power and wealth to the people. Basically the condition of the life of the people was so bad compared to the decadence of the aristocrats that revolution was inevitable.