As he did throughout his life, he believed that every American should have the right to prevent the government from infringing on the liberties of its citizens. Certain liberties, including those of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition, should be sacred to everyone :)
He thought it was a reduction of personal liberty.
John L. Sullivan was a boxing legend. Even having drinking problems his entire life, he took a step ahead on stopping this practice. He decided to not dring anymore as long as he lived, but he had no hard feelings against a man who does. In his view If a man can take a drink and get away with it, so much the better, but yours truly has found long since that whiskey is not for him. He was against prohibition though. He thought it was a reduction of personal liberty.
Similarity--both the US and France went through periods of adjustment on their way to a permanent government.
Difference--the US was able to create a democratic government and make changes from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution without a complete revolution and extreme violence. France on the other hand established a tyrannical government and then a dictatorship under the rule of Napoleon. It took more time and stages for France to find a democratic balance they were hoping for.
A. They fought in segregated units in the armed forces.