Caesar had put in years of work too reach his high political standing, while Augustus “owes everything to [Julius Caesar's] name” (Cicero Philippics 13). Caesar's charisma and military prowess made it so the public below him adored him.
I think the correct answer is C
El calendario solar azteca es un ciclo de 52 años que se divide en cuatro trecenas de años, cada uno diferenciado de los otros mediante la asignación cíclica de uno de los jeroglíficos Técpatl (pedernal), Calli (casa), Tochtli (conejo) o Ácatl (carrizo) y uno de los dígitos del 1 al 13 (representados con puntos).
Answer:Historians use historical maps for several purposes: As tools for reconstructing the past, to the extent that maps provide records of features, landscape, cities, and places that may not exist any more or that exist in dramatically transformed form. As records of certain historical processes and relationships.
He was unsure that she would let him go.