"The Constitution was written by the founders when they had not yet realized the vital necessity politics and parties in the pro
cess of our elections. Further, the enormous transformation of politics from part-time avocations (hobby) of public-spirited gentlemen to multi billion dollar enterprise of electoral institutions in a rich, diverse, continental Republic has not been matched by constitutional adaptation. The absence of modern politics in the Constitution--from structure of presidential selection to the manner of congressional elections to some critical aspects of electioneering, such as redistricting and campaign finance--has caused no end of difficulties, which can only be corrected by the inclusion of thoughtful provisions in a new twenty-first-century Constitution. It is long past time to do so." --Sabato, Larry J. "A More Perfect Constitution--Why the Constitution Must be Revised, Ideas to Inspire a New Generation"
After WWII, the increased advent of mechanization (invention of machines) reduces the need for farm workers. New tractors were designed to do the work of many men with only one man running the tractor. Tractors can plant and harvest crops.
This letter was written by Leo Szilárd and signed by Albert Einstein, and sent to warn the President of US Franklin D. Rooselvelt in 1932, about Germany developing atomic bombs.