Consumer spending plummeted, factories slowed down production, and companies fired workers. The wages of those still employed were cut, making it hard for people to support their families since all the money was gone. American consumers lost their homes to foreclosure and lost (or sold) many of their possessions.
Peer pressure
<h3>What are peer pressure and its effects?</h3>
When you make a decision because you want to feel liked and respected by your friends, this is known as peer pressure or peer influence.
Peer pressure can be advantageous. For instance, your child might be persuaded to try new things, be more assertive, or become more interested in school.
However, it can also be harmful. Teenagers sometimes decide to attempt activities they wouldn't otherwise be interested in, like smoking or acting in an antisocial manner.
Teenagers who are subjected to peer pressure may:
- Select the same hairstyle, jewelry, or clothes as their friends,
- Listen to the same music or watch the same TV shows as their friends
- Break rules or taking risks
- Work harder at school or less hard
- Date or engage in sexual activity
- Smoke, use alcohol or other drugs
Learn more about peer pressure here:
By signing up to vote and casting a ballot in elections, people of the United States have a duty to participate in their governance. Voting gives people a voice in their government and contributes to the maintenance of the democratic representative system. The media, the role of emotions, political socialisation, tolerance of variety in political viewpoints, and other factors are all important public impacts.
Many eligible voters citezen being too busy as their excuse for not casting a vote. 43% of all claimed reasons for not enjoying voting right were due to responsibilities connected to daily living. This included being overworked (24%), unwell or disabled (11%), or away from home (9%).
To learn more about voting rights, refer
People have certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
All Men are created equal.
Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others.