For the poem I will choose the desert, since between the Mediterranean and equatorial regions of Africa there are two large deserts, the Sahara to the north and the Kalahari to the south.
Oasis for the meeting
Our souls are undressed,
Oasis natural essences
Where our love becomes a verse
And where we are.
In the desert of stillness
I will vacuum your perfume
Where the desert of my thirst
Will look for your mouth
In a generous waterfall.
I would focus on how one of the empires lasted for nearly 2 millennia (if you count Byzantium as Rome), and how the other fell apart very soon after the empire’s namesake “Alexander” perished.
This theory is true.
Whenever a nerve cell is stimulated, it emits a signal that will always cause the same sensation. Nerve cells are part of the nervous tissue of some organs and can be divided into two types: neurons and glial cells.
What you need to know about these cells, to consider the theory shown above to be true, is that nerve cells obey the "all or nothing" law, that is, no matter the intensity of the stimulus, if they are stimulated, the as little as possible, will always cause the same sensation.
I would go with the last option.