The disease is spread from chimpanzees, who are infected with a very dangerous virus that induces rage. These infected chimps are held captive in a laboratory, but a group of animal activists sets out to liberate them. So, they get infected too, and spread the infection further.
Answer: for me the best option is D.
Explanation: lets explain this.
Cellular respiration begins with a process that divides the glucose within the cells making it readily available as a source of energy. This process can occur without oxygen (anaerobic respiration) or in the presence of oxygen (aerobic respiration). Anaerobic respiration generates more excess waste (lactate) than aerobic . Besides, high levels of lactate build within the muscle cells. Excess lactate slows the cellular respiratory process and is experienced as a burning sensation in the muscles if exercise continues.
The answer is D. Hope this helps!
#6 is A. They are all composed of one or more cells.