new technology
Structural unemployment is the type of unemployment that is caused by a massive change in industry.
For example, in the past newspaper delivery was a booming business since it is one of the main way people can receive their political information. Due to the development of websites and smart phones, this business can no longer thrive since it is far easier for people to consume their news on the site. This create massive unemployment in the newspaper industry.
These are the 6 insurgent strategies:
1. Urban
2. Military focused
3. Protracted popular war
4. Identity focused
5. Conspiratorial
6. Composite and coalition
The best answer to your questions seems to be #1: Urban insurgency.
The answer is it is usually mentioned to as artificial intelligence. In addition, a system administrator is accountable for upholding a large, multiuser system. The artificial intelligence systems that try to reproduce the way a human brain works are named neural networks. The enterprise resource planning is a special type of large, integrated system that ties together all types of a company's activities, such as planning, manufacturing, sales, marketing, distribution, customer service, and finance.