Whigs were radical, and although their ideals did not completely take over England, the American colonists were affected by them.
Republican ideals have not completely taken over, but they were a major force in the Revolution. It has been referred to as the "last great act of the Renaissance".
The Congress of the United States in fact retains most of the power in these two areas relative to the President and the individual states, with Congress having the power to declare war and confirm ambassadors appointed by the President.
Progressives usually aim for equality and social justice, thus, they should focus on policies that advance these goals.
Some of these policies could be: universal health care coverage, whether under a public system, or a mixed private/public system.
More funds for education, both in elementary, secondary, and tertiary education, making emphasis on those students who are talented but do not have enough economic resources to pay tuition.
Antoher policy could be aim at the treatment of minorities, who often bear the brunt of systemic inequalities.
Impeding - to delay or prevent by obstructing it/them.
so your answer is B. Obstructing; slowing down.