It is thought that a history of genetic relatedness among some parents combined with intermarriage on the island ,contributed to the spread of the genetic defect that caused vineyard deafness ... Individuals with vineyard deafness used a highly developed sign language ,probably based on a Language brought from Kent
इस हिंदी मुहावरे को इंग्लिश में Sweet are the fruits of adversity कहा जाता हैं. इसका अर्थ हैं जिनमे धैर्यता होती है, उन्हें कर्मो का फल ज्यादा अच्छा मिलता हैं. धैर्यता ही एक ऐसा गुण है, जो मनुष्य को शिखर तक ले जाता हैं. हिम्मत और धैर्य ही सफलता के मुख्य बिंदु हैं, इसलिए हमे किसी भी परिस्थिती में धीरज का साथ नहीं छोड़ना चाहिये.
I cant help you as I don't habe that text book
it can tell viewers where to focus their attention
the question asks, what can audio add? All the other answers are negative.
Eu não entendo muito a pergunta? o que significa "os termos destacados para completar uma ideia"? Não vi nada em destaque?