Explain John Locke's theory of "natural law". Do you agree that no written laws should be made to contradict these natural laws?
Why or why not? Next explain the concept of " rule of laws". In a country that follows the rule of law, who has to obey the laws? Why is the idea of rule of law so important?
Locke believed that human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. Locke believed that certain rights are inalienable and should not be denied to anybody. These are the right to life, liberty and property.
I agree that no written law should contradict these rights. This is because of the fundamental nature of the rights. Any law that denies these rights will result in tyranny and denial of basic rights.
The concept of rule of law basically refers to a situation whereby a country is bound to a system of laws. This is a key tenet of democracy whereby no individual is above the law ensuring that there is law and order.
The idea of rule of law is important as it guarantees everybody an equal opportunity to pursue their happiness. It checks abuse of power by those in position of power and allows people to exercise their liberty
The First Continental Congress wrote a petition to King George declaring Parliament couldn't pass laws on the colonists without representation by colonists.