Sunshine provides much-needed vitamin D and also makes us feel good.
I think this is coming from the Henry Ford quote, which is "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."
This quote basically means that what you think you can do is all in your mind and how you perceive yourself. if you think you can do something, then you'll be able to do it. If you think you can't do something, then you won't be able to, because you have already given up in your mind.
Does that make sense?
To be a good person means a lot to you and others around you. A good person can be reliable, trusted, honest and truthful.
In that case the first person is right, because is you lie to spare others feelings you may still hurt or disturb others feelings. In other words, others may not trust in you anymore and can term you as a bad person, and this may disturb your own feeling.
It happens because the racist Macomb jury members convict Tom of raping Mayella Ewell. Jem is devastated and loses his faith in the community members of Maycomb. Jem was feeling confident about winning the court case and even told Reverend Sykes not to fret because Atticus has already won because of the lack of evidence.
What was not seen by them, but the Reverent had seen, was the fact that the locals were racist and had never decided in favor of a black man over a white one.
The correct answer is:
2.Tom might have won the case had race not been an issue.