Under the Articles of Confederation, the government was a unicameral (one house) legislature. Delegates to Congress were appointed by the state legislatures, and each state had one vote.
Secondary sources draw on primary sources. They may comment on primary sources, or use the evidence from primary sources to construct an argument. Books or journal articles that analyze, critique, or synthesize a range of sources are examples of secondary sources.
On this day in 1814, during the War of 1812 between the United States and England, British troops enter Washington, D.C. and burn the White House in retaliation for the American attack on the city of York in Ontario, Canada, in June 1812.
The Answer is B.
Western imperialism would adversely affect their economies, governments, and citizens.
1. direct vote by citizens on a bill already passed by a lawmaking body - referendum.
2. government that suppresses all opposition and controls all aspects of people's lives - totalitarian.
3. greed for wealth - avarice.
4. the right to vote - franchise.
5. the right of ordinary citizens to introduce or enact new laws on their own by vote - intiative.
6. government in which a few people hold the ruling power - oligarchy.
7. method of temporary banishment practiced in athens - ostracism.