Aversive conditioning.
Aversive conditioning is when something unpleasant action is given to someone for unwanted behavior. In other words, aversive conditioning is the conditioning of behavior by using 'punishments' or 'negative' approach to make the person give up or deflect from that particular behavior.
Henrietta's approach of following her friend's suggestion to use a bitter-tasting cream to make her son stop sucking his thumb is an example of aversion conditioning. The use of the bitter cream allows the son to stop his bad or unwanted behavior of sucking his thumb.
Find one instance where Henry answers a possible objection to his argument with a series of rhetorical questions.
In his speech to the Second Virginia Convention Henry possible objection to his own argument was found in paragraph three which provides the statement of fact (Narratio) and argument (Confirmatio); where he said, have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love.
What purpose does this series of questions serve? It acts as a way to convince,persuasion, and urging his colleagues of the necessity of fighting , this he emphasize when he said "Give me liberty or give me death and "Gentlemen may cry Peace, Peace, but there is no peace"
List two ideas that Henry repeats using different words.
Time and illusions of hope.
he says,there is no longer any room for hope
Find one example of parallelism. We remonstrated,we have prostrated etc are examples of parallelism used by Patrick Henry
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Texas seventh-grade social studies standards - IXLB define and trace the impact of "boom-and-bust" cycles of leading Texas industries throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries such as farming, oil and gas .
The floods could wash away all of their crops
2 problems, well it is REALLY expensive to operate
also it doesn't work good in small areas