During inhalation, you breathe in and this contracts the diaphragm and moves downwards. This increments the chest cavity space which means the lungs are expanding. The intercostal muscles or the muscles in between the ribs also aids in the enlargement of the chest cavity. Both muscles contract to pull your rib cage upward and outward when you inhale. As your lungs expand, air is sucked through your nose and mouth. It then travels down to the windpipe and into the lungs to the bronchus, bronchioles and eventually in the alveoli where air exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen happens.
The additional accessory muscles of respiration are typically used only under conditions that are of high metabolic demand or respiratory dysfunction. However, in instances where these muscles become stiff and hard, expansion of the rib cage can be quite restricted. The accessory muscles of respiration include sternocleidomastoid and the scalene muscles namely anterior, middle and posterior scalene. Both aid in elevating the rib cage. However, their involvement seems to depend on the degree of respiratory effort. During quiet breathing, the scalenes are consistently active at certain phases while the sternocleidomastoid is quite.
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Simple diffusion is pretty much exactly what it sounds like – molecules move down their gradients through the membrane. Molecules that practice simple diffusion must be small and nonpolar*, in order to pass through the membrane. Simple diffusion can be disrupted if the diffusion distance is increased. If the alveoli in our lungs fill with fluid (pulmonary edema), the distance the gases must travel increases, and their transport decreases. Facilitated diffusion is diffusion that is helped along (facilitated by) a membrane transport channel. These channels are glycoproteins (proteins with carbohydrates attached) that allow molecules to pass through the membrane. These channels are almost always specific for either a certain molecule or a certain type of molecule (i.e. an ion channel), and so they are tightly linked to certain physiologic functions. For example, one such transporter channel, GLUT4, is incredibly important in diabetes. GLUT4 is a glucose transporter found in fat and skeletal muscle. Insulin triggers GLUT4 to insert into the membranes of these cells so that glucose can be taken in from the blood. Since this is a passive mechanism, the amount of sugar entering our cells is proportional to how much sugar we consume, up to the point that all our channels are being used (saturation). In type II diabetes mellitus, cells do not respond as well to the presence of insulin, and so do not insert GLUT4 into their membranes. This can lead to soaring blood glucose levels which can cause heart disease, stroke, and kidney
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The food chain works like, us humans are at the top we eat everything below and because we are at the to of the food chain nothing eats us and everything below gets eaten. OK think about it like this the small fish eats the plankton and the medium fish eats the small fish and so on the big fish eats the medium fish and then the human or shark eats the big fish