C He let them set the terms on their land
Explanation: Natural features and geography affected the wealth of the empire of Ghana because in the first place, there were large deposits of gold and iron that meant disputes over control of the Berber nomads, who took large amounts of gold and slaves with them, as to the geographical part, due to the expansion of the desert and the growing population growth, it became an empire where food imports were abundant, which made it a target of the Almoravids, a group of nomads from the Sahara Desert, who a Once established in Ghana, they subjected their inhabitants and forced them to follow the tradition and religion of Islam.
Breaking the Berlin Blockade would lead to war with the Soviet Union.
The USSR used the Berlin blockage in order to get the western Allies to ceed their German occupied territories. Due to the USSR having a larger number of military personnel in Germany and the US not wanting another war outbreak, the US and their Allies chose to airlift food and energy supplies into East Berlin. The trucks were backed into the planes because a lot of time was spent offloading supplies and there was no time for that.
To get the people of Germany rallied together to build up and bigger, better, and stronger army.
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