Chapultepec, Battle of, and Capture of Mexico City (1847<span>).By </span>12 September 1847<span>, the Mexican War was almost over; the Americans had been victorious in every major engagement, New Mexico had surrendered, U.S. forces had subdued Upper California, and Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott and 7,000 U.S. troops were camped outside </span>
President Jefferson authorized Robert Livingston and James Monroe to purchase all the Louisiana Territory This agreement was known as the Louisiana Purchase. The purchase itself included land from fifteen present day states including portions of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado.
You shouldn’t cram. You should spread your studying the 2 weeks before finals. DO NOT just read all your notes, do something that is engaging, like making flashcards.
D. Savannah i just remember my teacher saying that the British recaptured Savannah.