The given sentence in English is wrong.
English is a West Germanic languages of the Indo-European family of languages, with its earliest versions spoken by early mediaeval English residents. It is called after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic peoples who came to the British Isles. English is a West Germanic language, nearest related to Low Saxon and Frisian; nonetheless, its vocabulary is also significantly impacted by French and Latin dialects, as well as some grammar and a tiny amount of core vocabulary influenced by Old Norse. Anglophones are people who speak English.
It broadcast the news yesterday.
This is the right answer. So, the option B which is wrong is the correct answer.
To learn more about English
hey are still bound to their names and their familial allegiances. Ultimately Romeo and Juliet's attempt at re-identifying themselves falls short. They find that their names cannot be separated from their original social context and they are still restricted by the boundaries of their family identities.
u can help by speaking up