The Set-Up
Slavery existed and women didn't have the vote in the first half of the 1800s. The people who weren't complete dirtbags wanted to change that…and had conventions to build up followers.
The Text
Truth begins her speech by pointing out that women and Black men gathering together should strike terror in the hearts of men attached to the status quo. (So you know this is going to be good.)
The status quo is that women need to be protected, and she describes all the special treatment that she never receives. Yeah; both of these are messed up. Women aren't fragile things that need to be treated like weird glass-blown angels…Sojourner Truth proves this by being strong.
…but she also proves that Black women are treated absolutely horrifically. She gets worked like a man (and beaten like a man) and so is considered less of a woman and less of human being.
Then she brings up the complete lack of logic present in inequality. She—being Black and a woman in the 1800s—is allowed less than a white man. But white dudes are getting snippy because she's asking for just a little more in the way of rights. Why are these guys getting miffed, exactly? She's not asking for them to have fewer rights than they already have; she's just asking for more than what she has.
Some of these dudes argue that women can achieve less because—check out this skewed logic—Jesus was male. Truth states that this is ridiculous. After all, God depended on Mary to bring Jesus to the world.
And speaking of Biblical women achieving Big Deal things: Eve managed to turn her world upside down with just one bite of an apple. So a statement that women can't get things done is insane: with the combined forces of determined women, there can be change again. Eventually, men will bow before the force of women's power.
Now that's how you end a speech.
A Black woman stood up and said, "Hey, I'm human, too. And I deserve just as many rights as Black men and white women."
And then the sound of her dropping the mic echoed through history.
The correct answer is metaphor.
A metaphor is a rhetorical figure of speech where two or more things are symbolically compared, without using the words such as like or as (because that would be a simile). This whole poem is symbolical/metaphorical - it talks about the passage of time and how everything is transient and fleeting.
<span><span>William Shakespeare Full and Short Biography - Life History and Biography of the Great Bard of Stratford - Elizabethan Playwright and Actor</span>Childhood of William Shakespeare - Early years of the great Bard's life in Elizabethan Stratford<span>Education of William Shakespeare - Biography includes the Petty school and King Edward VI Grammar School - The Tudor alphabet</span>Life in Elizabethan Stratford - Entertainment, Acting troupes, & family ties<span>William Shakespeare Biography - The Lost Years from leaving school to marrying Anne Hathaway</span><span>William Shakespeare Biography - The Lost Years 1585 - 1592 between William Shakespeare marriage to Anne Hathaway and the London Theatre</span></span>
<span><span>The Facts - the Documented Facts about William Shakespeare
</span><span>Confusion regarding Shakespeare's name is explained. The facts detailed about William Shakespeare are taken from written evidence available from the Elizabethan era. The written evidence includes details of all of the known facts taken from official records and there is also a section relating to William Shakespeare's last will and testament. </span><span>The known facts about William Shakespeare, the Great Stratford Bard, have all been included in his biography and the William Shakespeare Timeline. The main source of the William Shakespeare facts are official documents that are still available for inspection. These documents include all of the facts available relating to legal documents. Other facts have been gleaned from another legal document, Last Will and Testament of William Shakespeare. Church records, including those at Stratford, detail major facts and occurrences such as baptism, marriage and death associated with William Shakespeare. A final definitive resource for known facts about William Shakespeare can be found in the numerous William Shakespeare Timeline categories that have been collated. William Shakespeare quotes and facts ascertained from his fellow actors and playwrights from the Elizabethan era.</span></span>
<span>Facts - Interesting Facts about the Life and Times of the bard of Stratford, Actor and PlaywrightThe Last Will and Testament of William Shakespeare - Second best bed left to his wife and gifts to fellow actors</span>
<span><span>More Facts ! - William Shakespeare Timelines
</span><span>The comprehensive William Shakespeare Timelines allows a correlation between William Shakespeare and his biography and the important historical events & people who shared his World. The timelines cover his mother and father, his wife (Anne Hathaway), his children (Judith, Susanna and Hamnet) his grandchildren (from Judith's marriage to Richard Quiney) and the major people and events of the Elizabethan era.</span></span>
<span><span>Family Timeline - Time lines for all family of William Shakespeare - timelines for ancestors, parents, siblings and children</span><span><span>Elizabethan Timeline 1531 to 1592 - William Shakespeare Time line with key dates and events of the era </span> </span><span>Elizabethan / Stuart Timeline 1593 to 1646 - William Shakespeare Time line with key dates and events of the era</span></span>
I am a dense thinker; I am constantly being bombarded by feedback from the world around me, and thus am unable to process bulks of information at a time. The small bit of feedback I do maintain, Is usually useless, and therefor is discarded later on. I am in my best environment when I flippantly flop on my bed and slip into a world of my own, comprised of nonsensical 'philosophy'. I truly enjoy this because I have no pressure to acknowledge the chaotic world around me, or to intelligently accomplish anything. Of course, this also means that the majority of my time is spent dozing off and/or being a sheep: unable to think for myself and following people who decide what is right for me. Sometimes, when I put real effort into my activities, I accomplish more than I thought I could. However, effort is hard, so I try to avoid it.
The war that was described in the book "Red Badge of Courage" would be the American Civil War.