Okay, did you have a conversation with one of the higher people in your school? If you're uncomfortable report it to the office.
If you try to make a business off scamming people.
It does not adress the content of what is said but the way it's presented. Therefore also applies to rhetoric since whenever you say anything to promote anything you use rhetoric so that the listener would become interested in whatever it is you are trying to promote
Ogadi's life always seemed to take a turn for the worse. Born in Umuneke, a remote African village, to a father and forced to live with Onome, a wicked stepmother, Ogadi thought life couldn't be worse. She quickly found out how wrong she was when she was plucked out of Umuneke and thrown into the city. Amidst the painful feelings of bitterness, sorrow, poverty, blackmail and joyful celebration, the mysteries surrounding poor Ogadi's past, present and future is revealed by the author.
Percolating is the process of a liquid slowly passing through a filter.