import numpy as np
a = int(input ("Enter a"))
b = int(input ("Enter b"))
c = int(input ("Enter c"))
d = int(input ("Enter d"))
c1 = int(input ("Enter c1"))
c2 = int(input ("Enter c2"))
array1 =[[a, b],[c, d]]
A = np.array (array1)
B = np.array ([c1, c2])
X = np.linalg.inv (A).dot (B)
print (X)
let ax + by =c1
cx + dy =c2
We have used the above NumPy library that has the methods for matrix calculation, and here we have used matrix multiplication, and the inverse of a matrix to find the value of x and y.
We know AX=B
X = inv A. B
And this we have used above. We can calculate inv A and do matrix multiplication using NumPy. And thus we get the above solution.
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The 3-act structure<span> is an old principle widely adhered to in storytelling today. It can be found in plays, poetry, novels, comic books, short stories, video games, and the movies. It was present in the novels of Conan Doyle, the plays of Shakespeare, the fables of Aesop, the poetry of Aristotle, and the films of Hitchcock. It’s older than Greek dramaturgy. Hollywood and Broadway use it well. It’s irrefutable and bullet-proof, so to speak.
so this means its more basic antagonist protagonist set-up even if the protagonist and antagonist are "CUBES"</span>
data converted from double to integer.