There were eight people living in the house; they were completely dependent on six helpers which provided food and clothing, magazines and newspapers.
Edith Frank
She is an excellent mother, she always puts her children above all else. She has a difficult relationship with Anne, but feels comfort in knowing that Anne has a strong one with Otto.
Otto Frank
He feels responsible for the atmosphere in the Secret Annex and mediated every single argument. He is the peacemaker, the calm one.
Margot Frank
She is very quiet and withdrawn. She is a very lonely girl and share very little about her feelings.
Anne Frank
There are two personalities inside of her; one is superficial and funny, and the other one is serious. When she is surrounded by people, she is definitely the first one. They both love writing.
Hermann Van Pels
He is a joker, but he also gets very grumpy. He knows a lot about politics and he is always optimistic.
Auguste Van Pels
She is the housewife in the Secret Annex, she cooks for everyone and always tries her best. She has many rows with her husband and screams a lot, but short after it comes the reconciliation period.
Peter Van Pels
He is the only one that has his own room. He spends a lot of time lazing around on his bed or doing carpentry. He always seems disinterested.
Fritz Pfeffer
He is a dentist and he also studied medicine. He has his instrument in the house and helps everyone when needed.
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I believe it would be better to be in the known. <em>If you are innocent towards the surrounding, you will be shown to world the hard way. Instead of someone telling you of the world around you, learning about it yourself can be scarring towards some people. </em>
<em><u>When Scout grows up, she is forced to conform to society. Throught her years, she has learned terms such as n***** lover, and Atticus never taught his children anything like that. She was exposed to Maycomb's harsh ways of living. </u></em>
The revelation causes Bisclavaret's wife to abandon him and this abandonment is the main reason for all the different events that occur throughout history.
The revelation that Bisclavaret is the werewolf causes his wife to be terrified and no longer want his company. As a result, she leaves and falls in love with a gentleman who has always loved her. This revelation motivates all the other events in the plot by developing the plot in an influential way, since it is because of this, that Bisclavaret's wife remarries, that Bisclavaret flees to the forest and has all his life and acts based on it.