Railroads used the iron to build railroad tracks but iron was weak and also dangerous. Soon people then realized that steel was a better material for tracks because it was able to hold more weight which then allowed heavier cargo. Railroads also transported mineral needed to forge steel.
D. The office of the papacy was abolished.
The office of the papacy was not abolished during the Counter-Reformation, it was just reformed to attempt to eliminate any church corruption or heresy.
The popes during and after the Catholic Reformation, like Pope Paul IV and Pope Pius V focused on eliminating abuses in the church and decreasing appeals to Protestantism.
Roosevelt supported the rebels because Columbia threatened to attack US workers if began on a canal.This attack created a sour relationship between Columbia's reigning government and the united states government. Because of this, Roosevelt provide the rebels with monetary funds and weapons in order to help them to override and restructure current government.