probably they are finally going to start earning money and doing work.
Because blacksmiths were important. They provided people with a variety of metal tools, and fabricated weapons for war. They also constructed household items. They not only created these tools, but they also repaired and maintained them.
A poet would use repetition in their poem to add apeal or emotional affect/connection to the reader.
For example, if a poet repeats 'it will be done', they are showing strong and determined emotional appeal.
Good luck!
Catherine Roerva Pelzer is the antagonist of A Child Called “It”. For years, she abuses her son, Dave Pelzer, for reasons that are never made clear: she hits him, burns his arm, forces him to eat feces and vomit, and starves him for days at a time. While Dave suggests that Mother is a heavy drinker and may suffer from depression, he doesn’t offer any theories about why she singles him out for abuse, or what motivates her to continue abusing him year after year. Sometimes, her cruel behavior seems sloppy and half-accidental—for example, when she drunkenly stabs Dave. But on other occasions, the memoir shows that Mother’s cruelty is premeditated and cunningly designed to make Dave suffer as greatly as possible. Even more bafflingly, Mother sometimes treats Dave with love and tenderness and then returns to abusing him—again, readers never understand why. The result is that, even by the end of the memoir, Mother embodies evil, which can be neither explained nor understood. She’s a force of pure malevolence, which Dave must escape at all costs.
Hopes this helps good luck going on to 12th grade
best reguards Evan Rosario
An ancient beast was rumored to be on the prowl deep within the mountain caves. Miners refused to work until the threat was removed so you took the job. You had killed many beasts before and had the scars to prove it, but something felt off as you wandered through the cave. Your torch cast shadows on the walls making you jump at every flicker. As you tread deeper into the cave strange noises become more clear. It sounded like scales scraping against the rock but it seemed to come from everywhere. You held your breath and gripped your spear when you turn a corner and are met with a wall covered in runes. You slowly approach the wall looking over your shoulder wary of any attackers. The runes almost seemed to have a heartbeat. You reached your hand out to trace the carving and the stone surprisingly feels warm. Suddenly your whole body feels hot and your vision goes white and when you finally regain consciousness you are in a desert with massive cliffsides surrounding you and a giant snake before you. "I am Ouroboros, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, Guardian of the mortal realm and you dare defy me, mortal" the voice came from the creature but seemed like it was in your head. Panic filled you as you look around and see its long body coiled and sliding over itself. There were many spears stuck in the body of the serpent. Slowly you dropped your spear and knelt before Ouroboros. "Please Ouroboros, I have been sent by a village of miners who have claimed that a beast was terrorizing the mines" you dared not make eye contact with the beast. A slow cold laugh made every hair on your body stand on end. "<em>I terrorized them</em>, how quaint as they are the ones who invaded my home and attacked me." The serpent said raising themselves higher. " You humans have no right to enter a realm you have no business in and accuse a god of terrorizing them I the physical manifestation of a balance in nature and you want to destroy me for breaking into my home." The voice was cool but bitter and Ouroboros' body uncoiled as they surrounded you. Your heart was pumping out of your chest and you could hear blood rushing through your ears. "Please, I came to destroy a monster, not a god, I didn't know." You begged. "A god, a monster, a fellow human, there is no difference to you humans you see only what your prejudice and ignorance can perceive, and you will pay dearly for it in the end but I will let you go if you swear you will tell the village to end their vain attempts to vanquish me." Your body relaxed and you looked up at Ouroboros, their head covering shone in the bright sun. "I swear I will tell the village." Ouroboros recoiled and a portal opened before me. "Go." You left spear and walked to the portal still in shock. When you reappeared you were right outside of the village. Without even thinking you walked to the tavern and sat down at the bar. The barkeep smiled and all the townsfolk gathered around, they all expressed shock and awe that you had made it back but when you recounted your tale to them they grew angry. "So you didn't even slay the monster." The barkeep said sharply before sighing. "Guess we will have to find some else to send". The barkeep said. You look up shocked "Did you not hear what Ouroboros said" you exclaim. The barkeep looked at you angrily and said "Yes and I don't care, it's still a monster is it not?"
Hope this does it, love writing so I kinda went a bit overboard :)