Wave height is affected by wind speed, wind duration (or how long the wind blows), and fetch, which is the distance over water that the wind blows in a single direction. If wind speed is slow, only small waves result, regardless of wind duration or fetch.
The texture of inorganic land-derived sedimentary rocks is clastic. Sediments come from land to form inorganic sedimentary rocks.
Examples of inorganic land-derived sedimentary rocks are conglomerate, brescia and sandstone.
Short term- mainly involve search and rescue and helping the injured
Long term- go on for months and years after a disaster. It involves rebuilding destroyed houses, schools, hospitals, etc. It also involves kick-starting the local economy.
Answer: Yes!
Detailed Explanation:
Resources are not free gifts of nature. They are the results of human functions. Hence we should try to save every type of resource in this world, whether it is renewable or non renewable.
Note: This Answer is not from the Examination point of view.