because that's where it was written
Olá. Nenhuma das opções mostradas na pergunta apresentam o resultado de 1,86 - 0,06. Entretanto, se você dividir 1,86 por 0,06, o resultado será 31, ou seja a letra D.
Para resolver essa divisão, você deve começar pelo fato de que tanto o duvisor quanto o dividendo possuem dois numeros depois da vírgula. Nesse caso, você pode desconsiderar a vírgula e, portanto, considerar os numeros 186 e 6. Nesse caso, 186 divido por 6 é igual 31.
Sorry hun, all I know is that its worse than a tela novela romance.
The Containment Strategy was the principal strategy adopted by the US in foreign policy matters during the Cold War era.
It aimed to stop the expansion of the national enemy: communism, and in turn, of the URSS and the countries under its influence, that were denominated the Eastern Bloc. It consisted on responding to any attempt of expansion performed by the URSS, seeking to spread communism in Eastern Europe, Korea, China Africa, Vietnam, and Latin America.
He was influential of being a military leader and the first president...