Group A describes results of the California gold rush
To preserve the ideal of American identity
Beginning at the end of the 19th century, immigration into the United States went high. Many of these new immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe. Many immigrants with different languages, customs, and religions caused anxiety and racial hostility. The sense of fear and concern over the rising of immigration led the Republican Party in 1920 to put restrictions.
developing countries gain access to new technologies.
healthcare access is improved through imperialism.
agriculture production is also improved.
defensive networks are created through imperialism.
imperialism almost always creates conflict.
exploitation is much easier through the imperialistic process.
it can be an expensive process to pursue.
imperialism creates conflicts amongst the strong.
It was Louis XVIII the brother of Louis XVI who took over the rule in France during Napoleon's exile in 1815.
France after 1815
After Napoleon abdicated as emperor in March 1814, Louis XVIII, the brother of Louis XVI, was installed as king and France was granted a quite generous peace settlement, restored to its 1792 boundaries and not required to pay war indemnity.
On becoming king, Louis issued a constitution known as the Charter which preserved many of the liberties won during the French Revolution and provided for a parliament composed of an elected Chamber of Deputies and a Chamber of Peers that was nominated by the king.
A constitution, the Charter of 1814, was drafted; it presented all Frenchmen as equal before the law, but retained substantial prerogative for the king and nobility and limited voting to those paying at least 300 francs a year in direct taxes.
this was the state of france during his exile.
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