1. Normal
2. Criticism of Existing Regime
3. Widespread Dissatisfaction
1. Society divided into class and rank with church, nobles sitting above everyone else. The churhc and nobles owned majority of the land and wealth
2. Enlightenments used reason and science to question the hierarchy of society and revolutionary ideas start spreading in the country.
3. Events anger citizens which question the people in power. Events of debt due to war from Louis XIV, self-indulgence like Louis XV and Louis XVI. Increase in food prices which people can't afford and the taxing of nobles.
a return to conditions as they were prior to the war.
Chang Han followed Confucius idea of placing the welfare of the people ahead of the profits of the state.
Chang Han was a member of the Ming administration who played a vital role in the Ming dynasty. Emperor Zhu Gaozhi dismissed Zheng He from the treasure fleet and put him in the military campaign to capture the imperial capital Nanjing. Gaozhi believed that the protection of the empire lay within the surrounding of it, not the sea.
Zheng He conducts trade by shipping silk and porcelain in return for other goods. He voyaged to places like Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean.