Next you should analyze the data
Osmoregulation is an example of a negative feedback, homeostatic control system. This system detects changes in the salinity of the water Chinook salmon live in, working to keep the body water concentration constant.
Belief doesn’t have much role in science, except in the sense that nobody can check everything. But science is a set of methods for establishing knowledge that is as good a match as possible to the world we find ourselves in.
Fat is less soluble in water compared to phospholipids.
This is because, fat is made up of three molecules of fatty acids which are not polar in nature at all, thus they mixed very poorly with water.
Phospholipids on the other hand has its molecules divided into two distinct regions, the head and the tail region. The head region is hydrophillic and it is polar in nature, that is, it mixes well with water. The tail region is made up of the fatty components and it is hydrophobic.
Because of this difference in structure, phospholipid will dissolve better in water.