The simplest main idea would be that going to the moon is not a decision that should be taken lightly and should be known to be a tough journey to do so based on the fact of all the details provided.
Beowulf, was adapted to Spanish as Beofulo, is an anonymous Anglo-Saxon epic poem that was written in ancient English.
It has two large parts: the first happens during the youth of the gauta hero, who gives his name to the poem, and tells how he comes to the aid of the Danes or Jutos, who suffered the attacks of a gigantic monster -Grendel-, and after killing him , faces his terrible mother. In the second part, Beowulf is already the king of the gautas and fights to the death with a fierce dragon.
A simile makes a straightforward comparison.
The Greek god is Dionysus; he was the youngest of the Greek gods, supposedly and was the last to be admitted into Mt. Olympus.