Kidnapping, theft, murder, carjacking, car problems, poisoned food, accidental food poisoning, heart attack, time traveling, being attacked by a monster, a pregnant woman giving birth, injury, anything getting on fire (house, car, restaurant, etc.), someone getting scared if they go to the movies, the movies characters coming alive if they go to a movie, bomb, bio weapon released at their location, receiving special powers, tornado, flooding, tsunami, thunderstorm, hurricane, they could be living in space, or one of them could be a secret monster.
He expresses sarcastic feelings, full of irony.
Luis doesn't like the junkyard that his father wants him to work for. This is a family business, but Luis thinks it is a demotivating and shameful job, which does not fit him and will limit the opportunities that life can offer him. For this reason, he quips, when his father says that the junkyard is also his, using the familiar phrase “Someday, son, all this will be yours” in a sarcastic and playful way.
his father feels unloved
the mother turned away from the father when he tried to show love
if your not sure reread it helps alot
he used angry tone because he were angry