The correct answer is tense (b) as there is a group of logical prepositions (prepositions that describe relationships between objects)
The everlasting question, cats or dogs. Some favor one over the other; like them both or don’t like either of them. I personally prefer cats for many reasons. They have a lot of personalities, they are more independent and their owner’s health benefits from them.
In my opinion, cats have more personality than dogs because they don’t follow your every command. If they want to knock a cup over they’ll do it regardless of you telling them not to. If they don’t want to do something you can’t force them to do it.
Secondly, cats are more independent than dogs because you don’t have to take them for walks to keep them healthy. Cats can also use the bathroom by themselves rather than having to be let out as dogs do.
Lastly, humans health benefit from having a cat. They reduce stress, help the immune system, lower risk of heart disease and many more.
For these reasons, cats are the superior animal of the two.
Good luck!!
As a part of Kiowa among Navajo and Pueblo people who was also being guided by his parents toward success in the larger society beyond Jemez, Momaday inhabited a complex world of intersecting cultures. The need to accommodate himself to these circumstances prepared him for the perceptive treatment of encounters with various cultures that characterizes his literary work. Examples: Momaday's formal education took place at the Franciscan Mission School in Jemez; the Indian School in Santa Fe; high schools in Bernalillo, New Mexico; and the Augustus Military Academy in Fort Defiance, Virginia. In 1952 he entered the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque as a political science major with minors in English and speech. He spent 1956-1957 in the law program at the University of Virginia, where he met William Faulkner; the encounter helped to shape Momaday's early prose and is most clearly reflected in the evocation of Faulkner's story "The Bear" (1942) in Momaday's poem of that title (collected in Angle of Geese and Other Poems, 1974). Returning to the University of New Mexico, Momaday graduated in 1958 and took a teaching position on the Jicarilla Apache reservation at Dulce, New Mexico.
2. Despair sadness change
3. Hope
4. Change in one's path
5. Im guessing this is universal fulfillment
6. Gateway to ur soul
The answer would be A
A round character has depth, experiences feelings, emotions, etc. about which the reader is aware. Therefore, a round character is likely to experience internal conflict.