The given example above are known as homonyms, due to their likeness in sound.
Contrast Structure using conjunction "although"
The conjunction "although" in this sentence is used to describe contrasting ideas present in two clauses.
"Although" is normally used as subordinating conjunctions i.e. to connect subordinate clause to the main clause. The sentence describes two contrasting or different ideas. From the idea, that thunderstorms are more common than hurricanes and tornadoes, one expects they would be less dangerous. But in contrast it is not the case (according to the author) - they are equally dangerous. Hence "although" is used to connect two contrasting ideas of two clauses.
The king sends people to the arena because he thinks that if they chose the right door (the lady) they were good people but if they chose the wrong door (the tiger) they deserved it and they were bad people.
He is a hero because he sacrificed his own life in order to become a samurai warrior and fulfill quests. He is considered unheroic because he chose to leave Green Willow in order to settle and be a farmer.