Her decision to go bury her brother, with or without Ismene
In Sophocles' "Antigone," the protagonist is a strong and determined woman who opposes the King and disregards his order not to give burial to her brother Polyneices. In that respect, she decides to follow the orders of the Gods rather than Creon's, since she considers the Gods' laws more important than the King's. Thus, she buries her brother whatever it takes and no matter what, which finally costs her life.
Aint got nobod but ma self
This line is foreshadowing because it implies that anything -- even people -- that becomes a burden can easily be destroyed.
Later, when Beatty himself becomes a problem, Montag burns Beatty to death. When Montag killed Beatty, he destroyed the responsibility he owed him. In this way, this line is an element of foreshadowing.