Payday loans are akin to loan sharks. They are a cash type of subprime loans.
High interest rates for a demographic that generally pays high interest because of credit ratings, lack of job security, i.e. longevity, and lack of savings. They serve the purpose of getting short term cash loans.
C. Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great established one of the largest Empires in history. First, he began by fighting and defeated the Persian Empire. He actually conquered Egypt and founded Alexandria in doing so. He then marched towards Mesopotamia and conquered Babylon.
B their jobs were safe when the strike finished
The United States should aid the will of the majority in overcoming foreign influence.
As Harry S. Truman stated, one of United States's major responsibilities is to support those free individuals who are looking forward to living their lives in freedom and search for individual progress. In this way, preventing such influence of totalitarianism, whether local or foreign, is considered crucial.
C. He helped fund the railroad in Indian Territory.