On one level, the mood of "The Veldt" is clearly one of fear and paranoia. We can sense this from the very first lines of the story: "George, I wish you'd look at the nursery."
If cinema didn't exist then the entire movie industry would not exist either, this meanst that we would not have Hollywood at all. Acting would not be a thing, and most likely television would not exist either. This means that there will most likely be another main form of entertainment and story telling through a different medium. Maybe through plays, video games, books etc. This new medium would be the new cinema and the entire industry will grow around it.
D) The Lesser Nuthatch, a bird known to be widespread in the forests of the Kamchatka Peninsula, is very similar to the Banded Nuthatch in appearance
All over the world, plants and animals do tend to have similarity among same group. This is part of the reasons why some animals with similar resemblances tends to be classified under same class under the classification of animals. Despite the fact that there is an established point of the nuthatch bird being extinct in the 19th century, the claim that the ornithologist being wrong in sighting the nuthatch could be weaked if the birds happens to be <u>the Lesser Nuthatch.</u>
This could be the fact that<u> Lesser Nuthatch birds is a sub-class in the Nuthatch bird family just as rice and millet being in same grain family under the plants classification (but different under class).</u>
Because curly's wife was very lonely and considered Lennie to be a replacement of affection she did not usually receive
Explanation: I read the book and my english teacher has us working on it.