The Compound is the story of Eli, a fifteen year old boy who lives with his two sisters and parents in an underground bunker called The Compound. Six years ago, they entered the Compound, during a nuclear strike, but an accident left Eli's grandmother and brother Eddie outside. The supplies in the Compound, which were supposed to be all they would ever need, start to run out. Eli's father wants Eli to let him clone him, to eat the clones as food, but he refuses. Meanwhile, he also finds a laptop with an Internet signal in his brother's vacant room. Eli opens a chatroom and contacts someone on the outside, who turns out to be Eddie, who tells Eli that there was no nuclear attack at all. Eli tells his sisters and mother about this, and they all try to figure out the code to open the Compound, something only the father knows. They eventually figure it out and escape, but the father, who is mentally unstable, plans to take them to a new compound forever.
I know the answer is NOT C "During one great period of immigration--between 1891 and 1920--our nation received some 18 million men, women and children from other nations. The hard work of these immigrants helped make our economy the largest in the world."