checks and balances. I believe that is what you want
counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
Basically the Americans in the Revolutionary War in the south South believed that the Civil War was very necessary and it was just defense of their rights and liberties.
The revolutionaries and the Confederates had cast themselves as heroes resisting a tyrannical and authoritarian of the government that they felt no longer deserved obeisance.
The Union, like the British of the Revolutionary era, believed that they had to preserve their nation and prevent the new nation from breaking away.
The Lazzez- Faire Doctrine is a statement that restricted the Government's involvement with the Economy.
, Dissenting judges usually feel that civilian control leads to a stable democracy with liberal ideals. Military authorities are viewed as being too forceful for civilian control.