69.08265412 milliseconds
Lets first convert 7 MiB to bits
Now convert bits to Gbits
Queuing Delay = Total size/transmission link rate
Queuing Delay= seconds
Delay of packet number 3 = seconds
or milliseconds
Superscript or Subscript
The superscript or the subscript is a type of character which is set a little lower or more than the normal line of type. And it is generally small as compared to the other texts. The subscript does appear at or less than the baseline, and the superscript is above. And for the superscript, you need to press the Ctrl + Shift + + ( press and at the same time also hold the Ctrl and the Shift, and finally press the +). And for the subscript, you need to press the Ctrl + Shift ++(Press and at the same time also hold the Ctrl. and finally press the =). And pressing the corresponding shortcut once again, you will be back to the normal text.
<span>Step 1Determine what type of connection you need for your computer and printer. If you see a large rectangular connection on your printer it is a parallel printer, and you will need to make sure you have a parallel port on your computer. This connection will be long and rectangular, and it may be red in color. If your Canon printer has a small square connection on the back it is a USB printer, and you will need to look for a flat slot on your computer to hook it up.Step 2Connect the printer and computer. If you are working with a parallel printer connect the large end of the cable to the back of the printer and the smaller end to the computer. If you have a USB printer, connect the square end of the cable to the back of the printer and the flat end to a free USB port on your computer.Step 3Turn on your printer and the computer. Insert the print cartridges that come with the printer. Watch the lower right-hand corner of your computer screen for a "found new hardware" message. This is your indication that the operating system has found your new printer and is installing the proper driver for it.Step 4Insert the CD that comes with your printer, if you are prompted to do so. If your operating system was unable to find a suitable driver it will prompt you for the CD. Keep your CD handy anyway, because you will need it to install the printer utilities.Step 5Insert the CD and allow it to install your printer utilities. After the utilities are installed you will be prompted to clean and align the print heads on your new printer. After the print heads have been aligned your new Canon printer will be ready for use.hope this helps</span>
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