1. VLOOKUP function.
2. SUMIF function.
3. COUNT function.
4. IF function.
5. HLOOKUP function.
Microsoft Excel is a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., for analyzing and visualizing spreadsheet documents. There are different types of functions used in Microsoft Excel to perform specific tasks and these includes;
1. VLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized vertically. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.
2. SUMIF function: it is an Excel function to sum cells that meet criteria such as text, dates and numbers. This function can be used with the following logical operators; <, >, and =.
3. COUNT function: it's an Excel function to find the total number of entries in a column. For example, to count the number of entries in B1:B15; COUNT(B2:B15).
4. IF function: runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. For example, to fail scores that are below 40; IF (A1 < 40, "Fail", "Pass").
5. HLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized horizontally. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.
Make more people eligible for affordable health insurance. Consumers who live in families with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level are given subsidies under the statute that reduce their expenditures in Act ACA.
The three main goals of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) are to: (1) reform the private insurance market, particularly for individuals and small-group buyers; (2) expand Medicaid to the working poor with incomes up to 133% of the federal poverty level; and (3) alter the way that medical decisions are made. All three goals are founded on the premise that rational decision-making will be influenced by incentives but unrestricted by other factors and will primarily depend on individual decisions as opposed to government regulation. The implicit presumption is that people and organizations will behave in accordance with these reforms to create a valuable good at a reasonable cost paid by equitable risk sharing. Affordable healthcare will be the outcome.
Learn more about ACA from
C. The copyright is classified differently.
Since it is a writing and not a business or a car brand or a computer company like that high stuff that is very important it wouldn't effect you since you are family and since he left you rights to the copyright you can re copyright it after it is expired with enough proof that he gave you rights.